Sermon on the Mount Bible Study

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The Sermon on the Mount

“The Sermon on the Mount is a teaching that I personally return to every few years.  Each time my in-depth study seems to scrape away layers of my own sinfulness and selfishness-it’s painful but a needed pruning!  The Beattitudes are the foundation for the rest of Jesus’ teaching and need to be understood as the launching point for everything else.  When I have allowed these “blesseds” to search my heart and mind I am much better able to comprehend the rest of chapters 5-7, and do not see the difficult passages as so divisive.  When I was before the Lord in prayer on where to take the Women’s Ministry I help lead the Sermon on the Mount was impressed upon me, so this is the result of all the Lord crafted this summer.  We have greatly enjoyed the study, in that painful kind of way, in our two  Bible Study times with our church.  The discussion has been rich and application based, as we pursue the Lord and work out our salvation. " 

A few things about the study.  Please do not turn to commentaries if you’re confused by a passage.  Instead, pray and ask the Lord to teach you, by His Holy Spirit.  Chewing and working it out in light of everything else you know of the Word is a discipline that will bear fruit.  Also, do not be discouraged by the amount of work.  Do what you can.  Try and chew on the different verses each day by returning to them at lunch and dinner. You will be surprised by how much you retain.  The Lord WANTS us to know Him and His Word is the way we are able to see Him (John 5:39) so expect Him to teach you and show you wonderful things found in His Word as you study!

May we all continue to press on and into Jesus!


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