Sermon on the Mount Bibile Study Week Six
Week 6 Day 1 Overview Read the entire passage again.
- Looking back on Week 1, Day 1 we asked you to write down anything that confuses you. Do you have a greater clarity now?
- What verse had you determined you would memorize? How are you doing in that?
- Write 2-3 bullet points to summarize Matt 6:16-34. Is there any theme you see through 6:19-34?
Week 6 Day 2 Matt 6:16-18
Fasting is one of those Christian disciplines that is rarely practiced today. However, fasting humbles us so that our full attention is given to the One we so desperately need. When we deny ourselves, even of the important necessity of food, we mean to seek the face of God for His wisdom, His forgiveness, and His help because we realize just how much we need Him. On the contrary, perhaps fasting has been so neglected because there really isn't a desperate need for God today.
- Fasting is first recorded in Deut 9:9-11, referring to Exodus 24:9. Read these passages to gain understanding.
According to the following verses, what is the heart behind fasting?
- Nehemiah 1:1-11
- Daniel 9:1-3
- Acts 10:24-30
- 2 Chron 20:1-3 (but REALLY if you have time read the entire chapter and sit in awe of your powerful and amazing God)
- Were any of these reasons listed selfish? Can you think of any selfish reasons that people fast now?
- The nation of Judah was rebuked by Isaiah for improper motives for fasting. Read Isaiah 58:1-7. List why the Jews were fasting and then list why God desires fasting.
- Now according to Matt 6:16-18 How were the hypocrites fasting? Who were they pleasing?
- How did Jesus command His followers to fast?
Does this compare at all with the Isaiah 58 passage?
- This set of verses starts off with the word “when”. How does that look in your life? Is there a “when” you fast?
In his book, Spiritual Disciplines for the Christian Life Donald Whitney states “Obviously we cannot fast continually, but may the Lord at least occasionally give us a concern for His work so great that our normal concern for food will seem secondary in comparison.” Whitney gives reasons why that Christian should fast:
- To strengthen prayer. (Ezra 8:23, Joel 2:12)
- To seek God’s guidance (Acts 14:23)
- To express grief (Judges 20:26, I Sam 20:34, II Sam 1:11-12)
- To seek deliverance or protection (II Chron 20:3-4, Ezra 8:21-23, Esther 4:16)
- To express repentance and the return to God (Joel 2:12, Jonah 3:5-8)
- To humble oneself before God (I Kings 21:27-29, Psalm 35:13)
- To express concern for the work of God (Dan 9:3, Neh 1:3-4)
- To minister to the needs of others (Is 58:3-7)
- To overcome temptation and dedicate yourself to God (Matt 4:1-11)
- To express love and worship to God (Luke 2:37, Rom 14:22-23, Zec 7:5)
Week 6 Day 3 Matt 6:19-21
- What do treasures on earth look like?
- Now, consider what these verses state about true treasure
Proverbs 15:16
II Cor 4:7
Col 2:2-3
Hebrews 11:24-26
Luke 12:16-21 tells the parable of a rich man. Read this passage.
- Where was this man’s treasure? How can you tell?
- Now go back and read Luke 12:15. If you’re treasuring the right things would you even struggle with covetousness?
- If you were to describe yourself would it be based on what you have or who you are in Christ?
- What does Christ promise about any treasure that you lay up in heaven?
- Do you trust Him enough to make good on that?
- Rewrite verse 21 in your own words.
- Going Deeper:
How does Matt 5:6 relate to what we’ve just looked at? Consider that the “they shall be filled” from Matt 5:6 refers to here as well as future.
Week 6 Day 4 Matt 6:22-24
- How do these verses connect to 6:19-21?
- What is the “eye” referring to? Don’t look it up in a commentary! Write what you think. We won’t judge. ☺
- What does Jesus say about the person with a good eye? A bad one?
- What does this say to the importance of a good eye?
How do these verses relate to:
Matt 6:22-23
I John 2:15-17
Hebrews 12:1-2
2 Cor 4:18
- Singleness of focus is necessary for the Christian if she wants to grow in Christ-likeness. In what areas of your life if your eye “bad”?
Have you considered how much darkness is in you because of it?
Or do you excuse it?
Week 6 Day 5 Matt 6:24 and Summary Questions
- What comes to mind when you think of the lifestyle of someone serving mammon?
- Paul admonished Timothy in 1 Tim 6:6-11 regarding this issue. List everything that he states about money.
- List everything he encourages Timothy to do instead.
- If the love of money is the root of all kinds of evil as Paul declares then what are some evils that are birthed by it?
- Now, reconcile what we’ve just looked at with Prov 10:22. Is this contradictory?
- When does a person usually realize they have begun serving a different master?
- Will you take the time to consider if you’ve begun serving one before its too late?
- What is the link between your treasures and your heart?
- Your heart and your eye?
- Your eye and your master?
- Your eye and your body?
- Your body and your master?
- Your master and mammon?
- How is that cycle broken? What are specific verses that you have put on to break this pattern in your own life?
- According to Jesus, what are the most important things to live for?
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