Sermon on the Mount Bible Study Week One

Thank you for willingly doing this study with me!  I mean that.  The Sermon on the Mount addresses many heart issues that are not easy to shine the light of the Word on.  Please know that this is not meant to be an exhaustive study in the Sermon on the Mount.  We really could spend the entire 9 weeks just in the Beatitudes!  But Jesus gave us more teaching and expanded on the Beatitudes, so we can glean from it all.  The first few weeks are the heaviest in homework and then it starts to thin out a bit, so don’t hate me for the first few weeks.  I’m excited to walk through this study with you and excited to revisit different questions as the Lord has His way in our hearts and lives during the next few months. -Madeleine

God’s Backward Kingdom

How do you view and approach God?  Stop there and consider this.  Really, stop.  The rest of this study doesn’t matter if you don’t stop and stare this in the face and consider, “How do I view and approach God?”  See, I think that if you try to cover up your true tendency, it will become glaringly obvious as you consider this sermon.  We’ll ask this at the end as well, and see if anything has changed.

Read Matt 5-7

Where is this sermon given?
To whom is this addressed? 

Any recurring themes that you notice?

What does “disciple” mean? 
Are you a disciple?

In looking at this text as a whole, what strikes you? Or stands out?

What confuses you?

Is there any part that seems odd, or out of place? 

Going Deeper- Consider what the model of a righteous person had been up to now.  Read Matt 23 and list all the works for which the Pharisees were known.  How is Jesus’ teaching different?


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