Sermon on the Mount Bible Study Week Five

Week 5 Day 1

Now we get into some “do” commands.  

  1. Read Matt 5-7 again and mark every mention of Father.  Write out what you learn about your Father from these verses.

  1. Can you think of a time when your Father proved these verses to be true in your life?  Write it out.

  1. Now, sticking to chapter 6 exclusively, mark every “when you” verse.  What is Jesus referring to when He states “when you”?

  1. Would these “when you” statements describe your life now?  

  1. Are you active in any of these disciplines?

Week 5 Day 2 Matt 6:1-4

These next few commands are impossible to receive without having a clear understanding of what the Beatitudes teach.  Living for eternity and all that Jesus offers is impossible if we’re still concerned for ourselves in the here and now.  

  1. Why were the hypocrites doing their charitable deeds?

  1. How were the hypocrites doing their charitable deeds?

  1. Why do you do YOUR charitable deeds?  

  1. This command hits hard when the outcome of a charitable deed isn’t as you expected (read: good).  Has there been a time what that has been your experience and you’ve had to wrestle through your motives and frustration with the outcome?  

  1. What would verse 2 look like in todays culture?  

  1. Do you trust that God can and will reward you as He sees fit, in His time?  What Beatitude is seen in this?

  1. List 3 different verses that reference the emptiness of man’s praise.  

  1. Now list 3 different verses that reference the eternal nature of God and His rewards.

Week 5 Day 3 Matt 6:5-7

  1. How do the hypocrites pray?

  1. How do the heathen pray?

  1. How are we instructed to pray?

  1. Which group do you relate more to?

  1. What is the difference between vain repetition and the parable of Luke 11:5-10?

  1. We have a beautiful picture of a man whom practiced this even before Jesus commanded it.  Read Daniel 6:10-28.  

  1. What does 6:10 say about Daniel’s custom?

  1. How was Daniel rewarded openly?  

  1. Again, as with charitable deeds, what reward do you REALLY want?  Eternal or temporal?  Do your deeds line up with that?

Week 5 Day 4 Matt 6:8-13

  1. 6:8 What is the therefore, there for ?

  1. Write out the second half of 6:8.  Does your life testify to that truth?

  1. So, if that’s the understanding before the example of prayer is given, then what is that stating about Jesus’ view of prayer?

OK, lets analyze this prayer.  

  1. What does it teach us about God the Father?

  1. What does it open and close with?

  1. Can 6:10 be prayed without admitting 5:3?

  1. How much of this prayer is dedicated to earthly concerns?

  1. How much of it is dedicated to spiritual/heavenly desires?

  1. Has God proved faithful in providing for daily bread?  Consider Exodus 16:14-18

  1. Reconcile Matt 6:13 with James 1:13.  Consider Matt 4:1-11

  1. How does your prayer life measure up to the emphasis placed on this prayer?  Where do you fall short?  Too earthly focused?

Week 5 Day 5 Matt 6:8-14

  1. Matt 6:12-How else is “debts” translated?

  1. Read the following parable:  Matt 18:21-35.  
What understanding do you gain in this passage regarding forgiveness?

  1. Why do we keep such a horrible double standard for others when our sin is just as grievous?  
What sin do you have the hardest time forgiving others for?  
How glaring is that sin in your own life?

  1. What Beatitude(s) does this teaching demonstrate?

  1. How does II Corinthians 5:17-21 give insight into God’s great offering of forgiveness?

  1. Matt 6:14-15 speak to a side of God that doesn’t necessarily line up to a “God of love”.  This statement in vs 15 is hard to accept if you want a God who doesn’t hold you accountable for your actions.  Does your life agree more with Christ’s command to forgive, or your desire to obey only when it’s easy?

  1. Now read Luke 7:36-50.  Here we see love and forgiveness RIGHTLY associated.  What do you learn of the two?


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