Sermon on the Mount Bible Study Week Nine
Week 9 Day 1 This is our last time to read the entire passage. ☹
Go back to Week 1 Day 1 and consider the things you wrote for these questions
- In looking at this text as a whole what strikes you? Or stands out?
- What still confuses you?
- Is there any part that seems odd, or out of place?
- Have any of those been cleared up as you’ve chewed on these verses for the past 2 months?
- If you had to pick a favorite verse or group of verses what would it be? Why?
Week 9 Day 2 Matt 7:15-20
- Do these verses contradict what Jesus commanded in Matt 7:1-5?
- Here Jesus goes back to outward vs inward comparisons. What does He describe false prophets as?
- According to vs 16 how do you know a false prophet?
- Leaning on basic truths of biology, how can you tell a tree is an apple tree? A peach tree?
- What is the ultimate end to a tree that does not bear good fruit?
- What does Jesus say about fruit and abiding in Him in John 15: 1-8?
- What type of fruit are you bearing? How can you tell?
- How does a person abide in Christ?
- How does abiding in Christ keep you from false teaching and false prophets?
Week 9 Day 3 Matt 7:21-23
- How does verse 21 connect to the previous set of comparison verses? The narrow gate and the false prophets?
- Vs 22-What are the 3 acts done in the name of the Lord?
- Consider how great these miracles are. On a scale of 1-10, where would you place them as far as awe inspiring?
- Now consider II Timothy 3:1-5. What does verse 5 say will be present in the last days?
- 7:23 What is the Lord’s response?
- Write out John 17:3. What is eternal life?
- Let’s loop back around to 7:21. What is the contrasting statement here?
- How much of the will of the Lord can someone know without surrendering to Him?
- Matt 23:23-26 and on is a description of the Pharisees who had outward works perfected, but how were they doing inwardly? Write out some of the words Jesus uses to describe them.
- Consider your works. Are they born out of knowing the will of God? Or for some other reason?
- Is there anything you need to stop doing or start doing in order to be in line with His will?
- Going deeper:
Contrast Cain and Abel (Gen 4:1-15) and the offerings given to those who Jesus speaks of in 7:21-23.
Week 9 Day 4 Matt 7:24-27
We’ve seen 2 gates, 2 types of trees and now we have 2 types of men.
- Let’s do some basic observation. List everything the text says about the 2 men
Wise Man Foolish Man
- What is the crux of vs 24 and vs 26?
- Why is DOING the Word so important? ( I’m still pondering this one. There’s no one correct answer, lots to be considered here.)
4. What do these verses tell us of doing the Word?
Ezra 7:10
James 1: 21-27 What does vs 27 speak of doing the Word?
- According to Matt 7:24-27 when was the foundation of these men’s lives known?
- Can you think of a trial in your life that would have been horrific if you did not have the foundation you had? Write about it.
- Can you think of a trial in your life that exposed how shallow your foundation really was?
Week 9 Day 5
- Read Matt 7:28-29 What was the response of the people?
- Will you stop with verse 28?
- How does verse 29 describe the Sermon on the Mount? Has that been your experience? Will you allow it the authority it should have in your life?
- Jesus spent this entire sermon contrasting inward and outward righteousness. How can you keep yourself from falling into an outward righteousness only trap?
- Who are you living to please? How can you tell?
- Of all the smaller passages that make up this sermon, which struck you the hardest? How are you making changes in your life based on that?
- How do you view and approach God? Week 1 Day 1 ☺
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