Lesson/Week Six

Lesson/Week Six

Now that you are riding your heart of bitterness (see, this will be an ongoing task) and you are seeking God’s forgiveness so that you will have a heart of forgiveness towards others (we cannot hold onto grudges, bitterness and records of wrongs – and at the same time be forgiven) be prepared for the “pop quizzes”. A quiz is a mini test, to show what you know. The “pop” portion is the unexpected hour at which the quiz arrives for you to prove your knowledge and show how to use it.

These quizzes are like the aftershocks of an earthquake. The main test was the first time you faced a similar situation (the “earthquake”) and all the quizzes like aftershocks will follow. Some will be small, yet some will be almost as devastating as the action(s) that first threw you into the “pit of despair and bitterness”. In order to be prepared for the “pop quizzes”/aftershocks of life – you’ve got to be prepared.

Once a year many Californians participate in the Great Shake Out. For approximately two minutes we listen to a recording of violent noise and the follow the commands of a man’s voice reminding us to 1. Drop, 2. Cover and 3. Hold On! To prepare for what might jolt your cup today; 1. Drop (Ephesians 4:31-5:2), 2. Cover (I Peter 4:8), 3. Hold On (Romans 12:9-13)! Be on your guard, stand firm in the faith, be of courage – be strong! (I Corinthians 16:13)

Bible Study
Memory Verse: Colossians 3:2-3

What Others Are Saying
Return to the “How to Be Free From Bitterness” Document from Community Christian Ministries to read and complete the study questions of the following;
Saturation Love pgs. 27-30 by Jim Wilson

Choose two or more of the following to read and; complete study questions
Man’s Anger pgs. 15-17 by Heather Wilson Torosyan
Fits of Rage pgs. 17-19 by Jim Wilson
Taking Offense pgs. 19-20 by Heather Wilson Torosyan
Bridling the Tongue pgs. 20-22 by Chris Vlachos
Introspection pgs. 22-24 by Jim Wilson

Prayer and Journaling
If there is anything nagging at your heart, any memories that have you captive to your past – give them to God today and trust Him to take care of you and how things will go from here on. Take the time to journal what is going on in your heart. Contact your trusted friend and share what God is doing.


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