Gripe Water
Our family recently welcomed our third child, a girl, named Karisa Hope. The Lord, in His amazing mercy to me chose to make her an “easy” child. She is very mellow, sleeps mostly through the night and is very content to sit in her bouncy seat and take life in. She rarely ever cries for anything other than the usuals-hunger, diaper change or discomfort. There are times, however, when she is uncomfortable and deals with a bit of colic in the evenings. A good friend told me about gripe water, something I had never heard of, and this is my third child. Gripe water is made of ginger and fennel and helps to soothe upset stomachs….and it works wonders when Karisa’s colic is present. While my mom was visiting she made a comment about the amusing name of “gripe water.” I joked back that it was too bad the children of Israel didn’t have any when they were wandering and complaining….and then the Lord reminded me that I do a fair share of complaining myself. I realized that His Word is my ...