Luke 1:38 And Mary said, "Behold, I am the servant of the Lord; let it be to me according to your word."

I have been thinking on these words of Mary often this Christmas. Mary describes herself as the servant of the Lord….servant of the Lord. How did that play out in Mary’s life? She was probably ostracized for most of her pregnancy for being “supernaturally pregnant.” Scripture doesn’t say exactly what she endured, but it does record that God sent an angel to Joseph to explain to him that Mary’s story was real. So, obviously it was a big enough deal to require a heavenly messenger. We see in the Gospel of Luke that Mary had the joy of going on a trip during the later part of her pregnancy, birthing a baby in a stable, laying him in an animal trough, and being greeted by shepherds after giving birth. Wow, not exactly what I would have expected the mother of our Lord to have endured in order to welcome Him into this world. Not exactly what I like to think of when I consider what it means to be the Lord’s servant.

Why is it that we as Christian women in today’s society think the exact opposite of what it means to be a servant? Why do we forget that we are called to serve? We forget that we are called to love God with all our heart, soul, mind and strength, and to love our neighbors as ourselves. In other words, we are called to be poured out in service to our Lord and to others.

This means that servanthood must become our lifestyle. Nowhere do we ever see a Christian as having arrived and not needing to serve anymore. Instead we see that the further one progresses in their walk with the Lord the more they realize that death to self is required and needs to be the main characteristic of their life.

I have personally been applying this truth during this busy season. In addition to all the shopping, wrapping, and keeping a toddler away from a tree full of ornaments, we have had family visiting and staying with us and we have hosted some church events in our home. All of which has made my life complicated with extra cooking, baking, cleaning, late nights, and other forms of sacrificing my usual schedule to serve others.

I would like to say that I have willingly died to myself in service to others but the reality is I have allowed my flesh to start in on the complaining and pity parties too often. Why do I think that my service to the Lord has a limit? Mary’s didn’t, she allowed her entire being to serve the Lord in ways that I would deem to difficult. May the Son that she birthed give me the strength serve like His mom…


  1. Thanks for hearing my "confession" on this one the other day and thanks for praying for me. I find myself extremely selfish and hard pressed to be a servant. the strength of my life and make me a servant too! -Liz

  2. It was very humbling to read this blog post. I find it difficult as well and expect others to be servants before I do anything... how selfish is my flesh that takes over my being and my life... I'm glad I ran into this blog you guys created, thanks for creating what we need the most as women of God, encouragement! Miss you all dearly...


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